Or is in New Jersey seem to be acting differently about covid 19. Some bars are following the rules others think the last three months was just re-vacation and it’s all back to normal. Hearing stories of bars that lack paper towels soap and hand sanitizer is unbelievable on a Saturday night in a nightclub in New Jersey. Veterans nightclub people seem appalled at some bars lack of caring about customer and ecovered 19. Some bars are following the rules others think the last three months was just re-vacation and it’s all back to normal. Hearing stories of bars that black paper towels soap and hand sanitizer is unbelievable on a Saturday night in a nightclub without receiving in New Jersey. Veterans nightclub people seem appalled at someOr is in New Jersey seem to be acting differently about covered 19. Some bars are following the rules others think the last three months was just re-vacation and it’s all back to normal. Hearing stories of bars that black paper towels soap and hand sanitizer is unbelievable on a Saturday night in a nightclub without receiving in New Jersey. Veterans nightclub people seem appalled at some lack of caring.