The combination of the new canon R5 and the powerful 100-500 zoom lens is amazing. I have now used this camera for 4 weeks in Humpback Whale photography with Jersey Shore Whale Watching Tours. The camera is super fast and the reach of the 100-500 lens is amazing.I have done over 100 whale watching trips, Humpback whales are very unpredictable and they can go from just logging along on the top of the water to the next minuet making you feel like you are on an Alaskan Cruise watching three breaching humpback whales! I like to shoot at at least 1/200 of second and many times i photograph the whales at 1/3200 . Having a great zoom is very important as the whales might surface close to the boat or maybe a 1/2 mile away when We are close to them. We frequently see the whales feeding and lunging. The cameras ability to shoot 20 frames per second is pretty amazing and help you capture the perfect image and the camera does not buffer, not once have I waited for the camera buffer. These are all shot hand-held as NORMAL JPGs; no tripods, FINE JPGs on a moving boat swaying in the ocean!
Humpback whales are a lot of fun to photograph and I cant recommend enough how much fun it is to go on a real whale watching boat that sees whales every time.

Canon R5 photos humpback whales summer 2020 examples-9403

Canon R5 with zoom lens 2 whales jersey shore summer 2020

Canon R5 with zoom lens 2 whales jersey shore summer 2020